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Jacob dunkley

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Q: Who were the first people to invent skateboarding?
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Who invests in skateboarding?

skateboarding people......

Why was Tony Hawk so influential?

Tony Hawk brought skateboarding to what it is today, he was one of the first people to do alot of big things in skateboarding.

Where did the idea to invent skateboarding come from?

Voodoo 13...As it't commonly known.. skateboarding was an invention as a result of surfers still wanting to surf when the waves weren't big enough to ride..

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What is the first thing that people invent?

Our selves- What were you thinking?!

Who were the first people to invent glass and when did they?

i dont now

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The wright brother

How many people think that skateboarding is not a sport?

Type your answer here... 4.3 thousand people think that skateboarding is not a sport

When did people invent the laptop invent the laptop?

The Osborne Computer Corporation released their first laptop in 1981.

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it was because people complained about not getting research

Who were the first people to use toilet paper?

The first people to use and invent toilet paper were the Chinese.