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Rodney Mullen

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Q: Who invented the skateboarding manual?
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Who first invented the Ally Oop in skateboarding?

Ally Oop in skateboarding was invented by Andy Kessler. Andy Kessler was a New York City skateboarder. He was a pioneer of skateboarding and he developed new styles of skateboarding.

Who invented skateboarding parks?

Emillio Estevez

What was the first trick in skateboarding?

the manual was probably the first trick

When did skateboarding start getting banned?

As soon as it was invented.

Why was the ripstik invented?

just to make skateboarding "better" (that thing is stupid!)

What are easy skateboarding tricks?

Olley, Kickflip, Coffin, Caveman, Manual, and Pop Shuvit

Definition for the word manual skateboarding trick?

It is a trick where you ride on the back rucks of your skateboard.

Who created the mctwist in snowboarding?

The mctwist is a skateboarding trick invented by mike mcgill

Who started the skateboard company?

don't know but Thomas Welsh invented skateboarding

Who first invented skateboarding and wh?

it was beilieved that surfers such as tony alva and stacey perleta created skateboarding in the winter when it was to tough to surf so they would surf the streets!

Who invinted skateboarding?

Nobody invented skateboarding as far as i know. I did a report on skateboarding for school and all i came up with is that a bunch of surfers put roller skates onto two-by-fours and called it Sidewalk Surfing around the 1960's.

When and how did Skateboarding become an extreme sport today?

Skateboarding became a extreme sport today by what people did with the sport back when they invented it. The most extreme way of skateboarding is by vert skating. Which by the most part is showed the most by Tony Hawk, a professional vert skater. ----