Ice skaters skate on frozen lakes/ponds/rinks
Skateboarders skate anywhere! Even frozen ponds and lakes. Hey, it's possible! They skate at skate parks, regular parks, stairs, rails, ramps, benches, anywhere! :)
You can short track speed skate in almost any hockey arena, preferably on an Olympic size ice surface. For long track however you will need a 400m oval. There are only 2 indor ones in Canada.
In the winter.
In figure skating!
an ice rink
Figure skating is done in Holland, but speed skating is what the Dutch excel at, winning a great part of the medals at every Winter Olympics.
No, figure skating is done by men and women. But it is played mostly by women. JT
Axels are done in figure skating.
A phrase for After really depends on where u use it for example if u said after i go skating it would b later, when she wuz done skating.
We went swimming, rock climbing and skating last Saturday. These are all activities that were done.
Four Turns
What are you talking about. You can skate on any side of the rink. I figure skate.
Pairs skating fits under the category of the sport 'figure skating'. In figure skating, there are 3 main categories that compete: singles, pairs, and ice dance. There's also synchronized skating, which doesn't generally compete at the same events as the others. Out of singles, pairs, and ice dance, pairs is the most dangerous. Basically everything is done with your partner, including throws, side-by-side jumps, spins, and lifts.
figure skating dance skating synchronised skating hockey skating