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Q: When you fall off of a skateboard why does the skateboard continue to roll on?
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When a guy asks you if you got off what does it mean?

He's asking if he has sucessfully made you orgasm, and if he should continue, or if he can roll over and fall asleep. Play safe--wear a swimcap if you're going for a dip!

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you roll attack into the deku tree and they will fall off

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If your boxers fall off, quickly try to find a private place to adjust them. If they continue to fall off, consider wearing a belt or tighter-fitting boxers to prevent further mishaps.

What do you do to get the tail of your skateboard off the ground in an ollie?

POP as hard as you can (meaning SLAM down your foot) then jump up high and at the same time roll your foot up the board to level it out

How do you put wheels on a skateboard?

well first you have to make sure you have the bearings in the wheel on both sides. then you just put them on and tighten the bolt that goes on the end of the truck. dont tighten it to much or your wheels wont spin, so make sure the wheels can spin and continue to spin, but not able to fall off

Why is it easier to tear a paper towel off of a full roll than off of a mostly used roll?

It's easier to tear a paper towel off a full roll because the resistance from the neighboring sheets holds the roll in place, making it easier to tear. With a mostly used roll, there's less resistance from the neighboring sheets, so the roll moves more easily when you try to tear a paper towel off.

Why would an orange roll off your cafeteria tray if you stoped suddenly?

An orange would roll off your tray if you suddenly stopped because of inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion, so when you stop suddenly, the orange will continue moving forward due to its momentum, causing it to roll off the tray.

If you stand on a skateboard and push off the ground with one of your feet the reason that the skateboard moves forward is that the force you apply to the skateboard equals what?


When a child falls off there skateboard the child stops but the skateboard keeps going?

no they tell someone.

How do you get off a skateboard on rob lox?


What is the preposition in this sentence It's a good thing Christopher was wearing his helmet when he fell off of his skateboard?

The prepositional phrase is "off of his skateboard" but the compound preposition "off of" is poor English. You need only use the word OFF as a preposition instead of an adverb and say he "fell off his skateboard" which means exactly the same thing.

Can you sue the city if you fall off a skateboard due to a crack in the street in a residential area?

no u cant because the city is not liable of the cracks in the city and is your falt if you fall. Also you would be breaking international skateboard ethics code. Little brats who have their parents sue the city are the reason citys ban skateboarding in public for the rest of us. So don't think about it you little brat.