an 8 inch truck. you can also use a 7.75 or 8.25, as long as its within .25 inches of the deck. different truck company have different measurements. 8 inches can mean 139mm.
Indy 139
It depends on the size of original trucks and the board clearance of the deck you have.
yes they do.
Voodoo 13: Well the deck is 9" too so you should be ok.. If you get wheel bite on the deck tighten up on the trucks or add risers..
Most trucks and wheels will fit on any deck.
Yes 149 will fit an 8.375 deck
Yes, but the bolts will stick out on the sides.
yeah bro they will fit smaller trucks are good for wider boards man just skate it up
7.5 inch axle width trucks. Every truck company uses different measurements, for the hanger and for the axle, so find the right sized truck width of the brand you like for your board. You want the axles to be the same width as your board or a little narrower. Not wider.
yes, the trucks are a little less wide than the board and will be fine. If they were wider than the board it would not work as well. It would be awkward. They will be fine. Yes, 7.75 will work on a 7.88 deck. If you need to make up the .13" use bigger wheels- 55mm or larger. yes it will definatly work and the point of bigger wheels is definatly a good idea..... i dont find much difference using smaller trucks to be honest but overall it will be fine
No, it will look really funny and the trucks will stick way out off the edges of the boards... You can use a 7.75 with a 5.25
Don't do it. 26" rims are for trucks.
if its venture 5.0 if its independant 135 and if its anything else i dont know