a power slide, nose manual, regular manual, revert, and that kind a stuff
An ollie is a skateboard trick. And an ollie is a vital part in almost every trick.
ollie ollie
An Ollie is a skateboarding trick. It is basically a jump while on a skateboard.
No it's a fake skateboard trick
first you put your feet on the ripstik then you do something and then the trick will work
there is 2 tricks there is a ollie and a nollie
Either a skateboard trick, or a girl named Ollie ;)
the ollie
No it isn't a trick unless you do tricks on it ex: kickflip ollie etc.
The easiest trick is either a front-side 180 or an ollie
you have to say what trick. most start with a ollie but not all.if you can do a ollie you can do other tricks.
The Ollie......everyone knows that well either the Ollie or kickflip but I'm pretty sure it's the ollie