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Q: What is the skateboard move were the board is on it's side on the ground then either foot is at the tale of the board and is fliped 360 around the foot and is landed?
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Related questions

Can a turtle ride a skateboard?

I can imagine that if it can crawl up on the skateboard and hit the ground or a surrounding then it can ride a skateboard.

How should a skateboard be used?

A skateboard should be used by pushing hard on the ground.

A boy on a skateboard pushes off the ground with his foot He and the skateboard accelerate down the sidewalk due to the force?

...he exerts against the ground

If you stand on a skateboard and push off the ground with one of your feet the reason that the skateboard moves forward is that the force you apply to the skateboard equals what?


What is a skateboard ollie?

an ollie is a way of getting to a higher ground. basically like if you were bmxing and were going to do a bunny hop except with a skateboard.

What forces are acting on a moving skateboard?

The main forces acting on a moving skateboard are friction with the ground, air resistance, and the force applied by the skater to propel the skateboard forward. Additionally, there may be gravitational forces affecting the vertical motion of the skateboard.

Are turbo skateboard are real?

Well, if for turbo skateboard you mean a skateboard that goes really fast, then the answer is yes! It all depends of the type of wheels you are using, the trucks and how loose or tight they are, the material of the skateboard, the strenght you put on your toes when impulsing and the ground where are you skating.

What skateboard does Ryan sheckler use in Tony Hawk proving ground?

plan B

Do soft skateboard wheels grip the ground better than the hard wheels?


What makes a skateboard fast or slow?

the friction between the wheels and the surface of the ground affect the speed of the skateboard. fo instance if you ride the skateboard on a smooth surface (with less friction) the skateboard will go faster.

What are the forces act on a skateboard?

The main forces acting on a skateboard are gravitational force pulling it downward, normal force exerted by the ground upward, frictional force opposing its motion, and air resistance when moving. Additionally, the skater applies a force to propel the skateboard forward and can use their body to maneuver and balance it.

What happens when A skateboarder pushes on the ground with her foot. She and the skateboard accelerate down the sidewalk due to the force?

When the skateboarder pushes on the ground with her foot, she exerts a force on the ground in one direction, causing the ground to exert an equal and opposite reaction force on her in the opposite direction. This reaction force propels the skateboard and the skateboarder forward, resulting in acceleration down the sidewalk.