I once played against a pool pro, in 1 break off he potted 5 balls.
I got 7 like a week ago on DECEMBER 2nd 2009
I once shot in eight balls on the break. It's funny because I was leading 4 to 3 in a race to 5 during a quarter final match when I sank the eight on the break, and in my excitement of pumping my fist and sighing relief, I failed to notice what the referee quickly spotted. He summoned all players to our table and asked everyone to "...count the balls left on the table." There were seven. One other time in my experience (and I've been playing for 30 years) I've made five. I've seen someone else make six once. I've never seen seven. In a tournament billed as the "Tournament of Champions" where all entrants were previous winners of local eight-ball tournaments, we were playing at The Crow's Nest in Wisner, Louisiana in the fall of 1993. We were playing on 8 ft. Valleys and I was shooting with a Benson cue. The referee was Wayne Stevens. I still marvel at how all breaks are as unique as snowflakes. And how every once in a harvest moon a snowflake will appear as big Mizerak himself. Matthew Friestman
soft balls are made when you get kicked in the balls hard and made with sperm
Crazy blubber balls
It depends. What sports ball?
Its a ball made of cheese.
most of the balls are made of cowhide leather
The balls are made of hard rubber.
exercise balls can explode but this depends on the material and the amount of weight you put on these balls. over time they may tear or break but they will not pop like a balloon because they are made from a thicker material.
31.2mph. The break was not made by a pool player but was practiced by a martial arts master for the record. He accelerated the pool cue from a standstill to strike the cue ball and it travelled at 31.2mph to the object ball at the front of the rack. This is 45.7 feet per second, or, 549 inches per second.
All golf balls are made with the assumption that the player is going to hit it straight. If you are struggling to hit the ball straight changing your ball is not the solution. There are balls made for feel, distance and spin, but not for direction.
The "4-ball" rule for a base-on-balls what not made a baseball rule until 1889. Prior to that it took anywhere from 9 balls (in 1879) to 5 balls (in 1887) to get a "free pass". There is no record available to determine who received the first "walk".
Rubber ball or balls made of nano polymer. Nano polymer balls have more surface area to swim (Archimedes law).