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OK so your looking for a cheap longboard, in the UK where i live you can get them cheap on line. But if you get them cheap, it isn't going to be a good longboard and will get chipped away very quickly. The cheapest longboard you can get is probably them kids one like them Ben 10 ones, so go for a brand the cheapest you will find is probably around £10, and they will not be very good, so just save up for a good one.

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12y ago
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16y ago

I saw the other day at Walmart you can buy a basic bad quality deck for $10.

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15y ago

The cheap boards are the ones that you get at Wal-Mart,K-Mart.

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15y ago,,or ur local sk8 shop. sometimes they have items on sale

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13y ago

If you want cheap just go to wall mart but you get what you pay for when you buy cheap

Or you can go to a pawn shop and look for a lightly used one should be cheap

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14y ago

A darkstar is good about 45-100 dollars

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Q: What is the cheapest skateboard?
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ahhh..the cheapest kind of skateboard to buy is probably a wal mart me they have no pop and they may last a while but kids now a days get picked on for buying one of them, so by a professional deck from either or or from a local skate/surf store...

What kind of skateboard can you buy with 25 dollars?

You can buy a cheap fake plastic skateboard, the one's they sell at walmart! a real skateboard would cost about 85.00 to 100.00 dollars now the cheapest a real skateboard would cost is about 57.00 dollars but it probably wouldn't have raw features that you would probably want butif your really desperat i would say about 57.00 dollars for a low price real skateboard.

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the cheapest is like a walmart board lol next comes probably a blank board $30 can buy anywhere

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How do you spell skateboard in German?

It is exactly the same. "the skateboard" means "das skateboard"

How do you use skateboard in a sentence?

My brother's skateboard is blue with white and black, he loves his skateboard.

Given the same slope angle which is faster a snowboard or skateboard?

a skateboard will go faster a skateboard will go faster a skateboard will go faster

What is the strongest skateboard?

Ironically, the largest skateboard.

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You cannot skateboard in poptropica

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do not skateboard.