Purely preference, you've got to ride them all to be sure. I'd check out switchbacklongboards.com they have every brand you'd ever want.
Id say Abec 11/Pink/Retro (all the same guy who makes them) and Orangotangs are the definite favorites.
ive tried every brand of wheels and i would say bones or ricta's
venture trucks, no doubt about it death wish wheels with the venture trucks
Spitfire Or Autobahn.
Spitfire and Bones
The best board brand would be girl no dour about it
The best wheels to get is normal not gel .gel wheels will make you slow down not able to feel the wind in your face unless its windy.
Trust me.. There really isn't too much of which skateboard brand is the best. One person might tell you that an "element" skateboard is the best there is.. And later, another person would tell you that its the worst D: If your going to get your first skateboard, look for the one that you think has the best graphics. Later on, you'll figure out which brand feels the best under your feet!
in my opinion zero mystery or fallen are the best brands
Girl is my favorite brand and one of the best out there
Brand: On is the best and fastest rapper to ever live
my favorite is plan b they seem to flick the best!
Elephant brand skateboards or Dogtown skateboards.