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Q: What happens if you make up a skateboard trick?
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How do you make a trick up on skateboard?

just do one that you have never seen anywhere

Who made the tricks for a skateboard?

whoever comes up with the trick gets to name it

How do you make some thing to skateboard on?

If your going to make a skateboard you have to use any kind of wood that would be strong enough to pull a trick of. But what I have seen from a skateboard its made up from at least seven pieces of thin wood. It doesnt have to be the same kind of wood it could be all kinds wood.

How do you perform a jump on a skateboard?

Start off with the ollie. This is the basic trick of popping the back end of the board, sliding your front foot up, and then landing it.

What is skateboard wax?

its something candles are made of to make obstacles like rails easier to grind

Is an inward varial heelflip a real skateboarding trick?

yes a hippie ollie is a real trick. its just where your riding and you jump up and land on your skateboard. the skateboard stays on the ground but u jump. very different from an ollie.

What is that skateboard trick that you held the board in your hand and then jump up onto something then put the board back to your feet while you jump down?

Caveman I think.

What raw materials make up a skateboard?

wood,metal,wheels,and the trucks

Who was the first to come up with a skateboard trick?

What kind of trick? It depends... There are many kinds of tricks such as flip, grind, lip etc. For different tricks, different people thought of them. For ex. Rodney Mullen invented the"flip" tricks.

You have never had a skateboard before and you want to learn how to ride one and do tricks what is the best skateboard make for you?

I Would get a fracture full set up to start off

How do you do a manual on a skateboard?

You lift the nose of the board up as if you were doing an ollie, but do not let the tail or the front wheels touch the ground. It is a very hard trick but if you practice it will eventually come to you.

How does a skateboard skid off the ground and flip?

well it depends on what type of trick your doing like a kickflip when go to ollie up and flick out that is the motion for the board to start spinning