Atv stands for all terrain vehicle. So, a skateboarder who skates all terrains equally well.
All Terrain Vehicle.
The cerebellum in the back part of the brain. It is what controls your balance and cordination which is key in skateboarding.
OG in skateboarding generally means official, sick, ill, fresh, along those lines. OG actually means original gangster. - everyday skater Blaze
The phrase, atv, stands for All Terrain Vehicle. These vehicles can have three or four wheels, are usually driven by one driver, and can be driven over various landscapes.
skateboarding people......
the 10th digit is the year of the vehicle, letters stand for a year and the numbers stand for that year in 200?
Yes, at skateboarding
No, there are no such things as skateboarding lessons because skateboarding is not a sport it is a lifestyle and is individual.
not proper grammar
be good at skateboarding