Professional skateboarders know that for optimum performance, aside from their skill level, the type of skateboard they use makes all the difference. For amateurs, all skateboards may appear to be created equal, but there are a few different skateboards to choose from. These skateboards basically differ in their various lengths and concave depths.
There are two main types of skateboard: long and short. The different shapes of both long and short skateboards is very important as well. For expert tricks, the skateboard must be concave, which refers to the curve of the board in relation to the raised nose and tail of the skateboard. A concave board is especially important for performing difficult tricks, such as an Ollie. An Ollie is a jump that begins by tapping the tail of the skateboard and sliding the foot to the front of the board in the air.
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skateboarding people......
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Yes, at skateboarding
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