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Q: Is there any technology the officials in rounders use during the game?
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Where do umpires in rounders stand?

There are two officials in a game of rounders and one stands on the batting line to check for low/high balls and the other one stands just behind 2nd post to check for wide balls.

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The officials vary, but there are two referees and two linesman during a hockey game.

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How many players are in a Rounders match are allowed on the pitch from the each team during a game?

16 football games during the regular season

How many innings are there in a rounders match?

Five innings constitute a game of rounders

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there are 4 officials in an NHL game. 2 referees and 2 linesmen

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How many officials are on the field during a football game altogether how many players and officials are on the field?


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How many referees in a pro football game?

There is one referee and six other officials on the field during an NFL game. Click on the 'NFL Officials' link on this page to see the duties of each official on the field and what equipment they use during the game.

How do you say Rounders in French?

There isn't a name for rounders in French because it's not a French game.

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