If you are doing tricks such as jumping stairs and or flip tricks, the Almost Impact Deck is one of the best boards for you due to is durability and impact absorbers which are similar to the shocks on a bike.
I ride a Girl Deck and strongly recommened it. but you could also settle with a Plan B deck or a Element Deck i would suggest no getting a element they are not god quality i suggest getting a baker or a creature from personal experience they are very good
im lookin at gettin the new almost decks with the impact support circles. it protects you from pressure cracks around your trucks. but as far as the best deck, it depends on what kind you prefer.
u almost cant it would be almost impossible to get the cards u want and the rules are u can only have 40 to 60 cards in ur deck i dont know where 1031 cards came from
I have and still I am using Reinbe Find You Pro deck ( with purple text ), not the black cat. Actually it is very good deck. As far as I can see, they are as good as element, plan B and Almost. It lasted longer then my plan b deck, but it's hard to get them.
well I have the impact and I think its pretty good. but I hear the uber light breaks really easy. and clearly the uber light is much more expensive so I would go with the impact because I like it :)....
get an uber light deck from almost. that would be perfect.
just go outside a try different things experiment a little
a six samuri deck
You can find a Deck Builder's Toolkit at almost any major retailer, such as Wal-Mart.
We want to redo our backyard this summer. Are there good deck designs online?
post the deck.
If you are looking for a good deck plan you will be able to find a free plan at www.mybackyardplans.com. The website features nice plans for your new deck.