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no the eightbit is thicker and long. that makes eight bit a lot better than penny boards and the eightbit is also cheaper!

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Q: Is penny boards better than eightbit boards?
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Can you do tricks on penny boards?

I would say that Penny boarding is harder than skateboarding, for many reasons. Like 1. Its made of all plastic which makes it glide smoother and faster 2. It doesnt come with a foot grip unless you buy one with it 3.It is much much smaller than a skate board but if you prefer something bigger you can always get the Nickle board! Penny boards are 21' and nickle boards are 27'. for me, i think penny boarding is pretty easy once you get the hang of it, just wear knee pads and a helmet while your beginning because trust me, you will fall alot!

What is a penny board's average speed?

The average speed of a penny board typically ranges from 10-15 mph, depending on the rider's skill and terrain. Penny boards are designed for quick maneuvers and short rides rather than high speeds.