Skateboarding, trust me first try to gain the balance (Wich takes about a few months) if you check out other videos you can see that it looks so easy but when you start try putting it near a desk and then just use the desk to move on the skateboard (you can also use gate bars but be carefull kepp balance some people keep falling on there but
Skateboarding is easier, I can skateboard but Snowboarding is alot harder for me. it is a totally different sport really. with a snowboard you are strapped to it, and you are much lower to the ground than with a skateboard. if you wanted to compare two things like that it's snowboarding and mountain boarding. much more alike than snowboarding and skating.
it depends on the surf board and the skateboard. you have to have the right sizes and everything else. personally I think skateboarding is easier .
skateboarding.....obviously not they both take skill i think there kind of even because in tennis you need to know how to serve return the ball and all this kinds of stuff, in skate boarding its the same thing you have to learn little by little. You cant say that this sport its easier than this other one they both take practice and skill.
Heck no skateboarding is safer than motoross because its not electric and you can flip it esier
It will be easier to drink out of a straw from the top of a mountain than from New Orleans. This is because gravity has a stronger pull downward at New Orleans.
its more skateboarding than snowboarding but it started out as a surf board company in australia.
well Shawn white started skate boarding as a little kid and he likes skateboarding more than snow boarding as he said in the wendys international competition
more than likely
Both can be very fun. Skateboarding might be a little harder for beginners, but it's awesome when you get the hang of it.
yes ripstiking is very fun Yes, I like it better than skateboarding but that is because I suck at skateboarding. If I wanted to be amazing at skateboarding or ripstiking I would choose skateboarding because you can do more but ripstiking is very fun once you learn how to do it better.
you can have more of a booster to be faster to get up the hill or mountain
i think shaun white skateboarding wii is better than fifa 11