Element decks in my personal opinion have more pop than zero decks, but zeros last longer. I prefer element. Element decks in my personal opinion have more pop than zero decks, but zeros last longer. I prefer element.
I use Element and love that brand have been through 3 of their board and still loving it today. My friend recommends zero but have never tried that. I would say Element.
yes I have a Plan B skateboard and it is very good! f!@# off they are like zero have way better concave than plan B
It depends on what you are planning to do with the skateboard.Clark
Plan B, Blind, Element,Almost,zero,and girl i skate girl
skateboard.....if velocity is zero,then momentum is also zero.
Girl Element Almost Plan B Zero Mystery Enjoi Alien workshop Baker.
yes, it's so fast it's even better than girl or element or zero
enjoi, plan B, girl, element baker, zooyork,dgk,zero,chocolate,almost
Baker, Element, Zero, Mystery
They are good but not the best.