It's easy...I have a board like that. It's called an alterboard. My father gave it to me a couple of years ago. It took me two days to learn. The easiest way to learn is master the RipStik or:
1. Stand on it on either foot first, whichever is more comfy (I'm goofy-footed).
2. Steer with the foot in the back and pump with your front foot.
3. Practice, practice, practice.
I was only twelve when I learned how to do this. I now know how to surf just from mastering the Alterboard(:
the offisial translation is schaats. but we often use skate like if we say rollerskate we say rolschaats but if we say skate board we say skate board if where gonna skate we say we gaan skateboarden skate=schaats skates=schaatsen
its not a game, its a sport, and it is fun. if you dont like to fall then dont skate
Well, I like the 900. Well, I like the 900.
no the point of the game is to skate it is nothing like tony hawks skateboarding games why? cause the game is made by EA
They like it when you skate with them and try to learn something better than him cuz then they will be learn how to ripstik.
yes he does and he like to skate board and play hockey
you take lessons and start when you are a baby
You cannot change your sponsor in skate. If you wanted to change your sponsor you would need to start a new game. However, in Skate 2 you can change your board sponsor whenever you like.
well a skateboard demo would be kinda like a explanation or showing of how to skateboard
Just ask people who work where your buying it.To get a good oppinion, you have to go to a legit skate storeOnce you get into skateboarding you will know what you like in a board.
Show them good skate videos (like Lakai Fully Flared) and take them into skate shops and show them how cool stuff is, point out a cheap beginners' board for them, or if you really want them to skate, buy them a skateboard yourself, or give them an old one.
if you like skate boarding he gay