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Generic means that both Tail and Nose are identicle. Measuring with your thumb and ring finger outstretched from the bolts is a sure way to find out.

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Q: How do you know when a skateboard is generic?
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Do you need education to skateboard?

no you do not really need to be educated to ride a skateboard. all you really need to know about the skateboard is how to ride it and do tricks and have good enough balance

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You are eleven and just beginning to skateboard you were wanting to know what is the best length for the skateboard?

signed:a kid that knows about skateboarding

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How do you know what skateboard is right for you?

it depends on your skating style.

Does Princeton know how to skateboard?

yes became he cute.

Should you learn how to skateboard before you learn how to snowboard?

You don't have to know how to skateboard before snowboarding, but it makes it a lot easier.

What generic statute code?

I think it means generic narcotics

How do you know he is a skater guy?

If he is often seen using a skateboard.

Does johnny Knoxville know how to skateboard?

No he's very uncoordinated

How do you know where the nose of your skateboard is?

the nose is bigger than the tail