buy some epoxy, depending on how big the crack is you might need a needle to fill in small cracks. after applied, keep clamped down for 48 hours
Yes , you can skate with a cracked deck as long as the board has enough strength to have the weight of the person on it without bending too much
you cant fix it, you need to replace it.
how to fix cracks in patent leather
carburettor prices vary with different carburettors.but you cannot fix a cracked carb.u need to replace the carburettor
You can't fix a cracked head unless you can weld. it must be replaced with a new head.
In California, a cracked windshiled is a 'fix-it' ticket. Go to the nearest California Highway Patrol office to have the cracked windshield infraction signed-off.
To fix cracked clay, you can gently moisten the clay with water and then carefully press the cracked pieces back together. Allow the clay to dry completely before handling it again.
1. the cheap way to fix the cracked screen is to buy a repair kit on eBay.2. yes go buy the kit on ebay to fix the cracked screen it would be cheaper
You can send your Samsung galaxy S 4 back to the manufactures for cracked screen fix.
with glue
inside screen on plasme ave cracked can itbe fixed
3 ways is to tape them, glue them, or have your mom spit on them -------------------------------- This is a good link for how to fix leather that has cracked. I'd recommend doing what the link recommends rather than 'taping, glueing, or having your mom spit on them', lol.