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you have to buy another one or you can buy a new middle piece.. which is like 2 pieces... ( the tube and the bar looking thing) idk where you could buy that plus im refering to the wave board.. idk if rip stick has a similar make but i think it would

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Q: How do you extend the rip stick skateboard?
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How do you kick flip on a rip stick?

same way you do on a skateboard but it is just harder if your a skater you can do it

How much does it cost to purchase a rip stick?

A Rip Stick (commonly referred to as a "RipStik") is advertised as a cross between a skateboard and snowboard. Retail prices vary, but this item can be bought for as little as $80.

What is better a ripstick or a skateboard?

If you want something that you could probably learn to use faster I would choose a skateboard because it has four wheels while a rip stick only has one. If you want something you are willing to spend a lot of time on and something that not many people know about or have then I would get a rip stick. But if you don't want either then search up another question. Peace out. Keep skating.. er rip sticking w/e you decide.

How mush is a rip stick?

A rip stick is about 30.00 just a guess 

Which is better to bike or to rip stick?

An exercise bike is better than a rip stick because of its safety brakes but a rip stick is more fun.

What is a wheelie on a skateboard called?

A bicycle. A bicycle with the wheels removed, but everything else it needs attached, is a frame set with gruppo. And just the frame and fork make up a frame set.

How do you renew the griptape on your skateboard?

You dont, you grip it an rip it till you get a new board.

What is the definition of rip stick?

A ripstick is a carving skateboard. It has two sides, and if you twist them with your feet, you move left or right. There is another version called the ripstick G, with a metal bar for grinding. Hope this helped! - Netwyvern

How do you get a skateboard on stick rpg2?

You buy it at Skate or cry

What are the colors of the rip stick?

The colors of a rip stick are, red, blue, green, silver, blue and red, and hot pink.

Who invented the rip stick?

We would like to get in touch with the person who invented the rip stick. We are doing a project. Our email is

What is the best ripstick?

original rip stick