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Put your board on the edge of the coping (the metal pipe). Make it so the tail is on the coping, and the back wheel is against the bank. Step on the tail of your board with your back foot; the board should protrude out from the quarter/half pipe. Slowly move your front foot so it's sideways, covering all of the front bolts (screws). Against all logical reasoning/feeling, put ALL of your weight on the front end, quickly, as if you're stomping on it. Do this QUICKLY, NOT SMOOTHLY. You should feel like you are diving into water. Do NOT balance, if you do, you will fall backwards. If you are learning, you WILL fall on your first try, so I recommend starting on a small quarter pipe. Odds are, even if you put all of your weight on the front end of your board, you will not fall forward. Definitely do not hold back or take it slow.

I have personally fell forward, on a large quarter pipe, cracking my kneecap; so I recommend getting good at dropping in on a small quarter pipe, then into a small bowl. How do you know if you're good? When the front wheels land on the quarter/half pipe's bank, you should do it fast enough so you hear a loud clap.

I know, it is very unnerving, and seems logically impossible. But please, for your sake, do not try balancing until you are completely off the quarter/half pipe.

I also recommend watching tutorials on YouTube, and when you go to try it, ask a good mate to hang onto your wrists, so if you fall, you won't fall back and smash your tailbone.

If you fall, keep trying! Being able to drop in unlocks a whole new world of Skateboarding - vert.

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