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I've done a quad!

but it might be possible to do more!?!?

hope that helped!??

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: How do you do a double kickflip on Skate 3?
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you hold out a kickflip with the right stick.

How can you become a pro at skate boarding?

do a kickflip and a hellflip

How do you do a heel flip in Skate 3?

hold a kickflip on a relay high gap or a long jump. try the super ultra mega park.

How do you do a quad heel flip in skate 3?

hold a kickflip on a relay high gap or a long jump. try the super ultra mega park.

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How do you do a flip on a skate board?

The Kickflip is the hardest of the basic skateboarding tricks, and one of the most popular skateboarding tricks to learn. Learning to kickflip first, before learning other skateboarding flip tricks, will help you in the long run.

How do you do a double kickflip?

you go on youtube and you put in double kickfip tricktips and you watch it and you try the trick

What is a liberty flip?

It is a Double Kickflip combined with a 360 Pop Shove-it.

Can you skate with vans era?

it depends if you have your wheels loose or tight it works better with tight. becuz it lets you do an easy ollie and if you can do a kickflip. it is a challenge

What Skate tricks should i be able to do in 1 year?

You should definetly be able to do an ollie,ollie shove it,ollie 180,kickflip,and maby a nolie

What are famous tricks on skate boards?

There's the 900, the kickflip, the ollie, the heel flip. the last three are amatuer but all skaters know what thy are

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