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It's most likely to do with your back foot and your balence. Make sure you are over your board when doing the trick. Also move your back foot into the center of the tail so that it does not cause it to do a varial

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15y ago

Because you dont have the right foot placements probably and maybe your not getting the flick right or your not floating over your deck.

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13y ago

because you arent getting the ollie up in the air or you arent picking your body up high enough!

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Q: How come i can't jump off the board when i try a kickflip?
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How do you do a hospital flip on a skateboard?

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How do you varial kickflip on a skateboard?

Foot position to varial kickflip just put your back foot like a pop shuvit and your front foot like a regular kickflip, only pointing a little more to the nose than a regular kickflip. the flip you want to POP the board, not shuv, and when the board is touching the ground for the pop, or slightly in the air, you want to roll your ankle and kick straight forward. if you dont roll your ankle to make it flip, then you will end up with a lame pop shuv. after that lift your legs up. oh, and you have to jump forward, otherwise you will land with one foot or with your toes. hope it helps

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Because you cant jump high

When you trick on your skateboard you can flip the board but cant jump high enough to land it can anyone help?

a tooter can help!

How do you kickflip without the board going forward?

I best recommend going on my page Ivanvidz on youtube search me but, first you pop the tail and then slide your foot to the curve of the board then get that flick and jump high when you see the grip tape try to land bolts but just keep praticing and you will get it

How do i land a heelflip on a skateboard. I can get the roatation but cant land on the board?

lots of problems are that the board lands behind you. That just means that you need to jump back a little and commit to the trick.

Do you measure from the front of the board or the back of the board for your approach for the long jump?

back of the board for your approach and front for the jump

You can do a kickflip but how can you do a kickflip fom gaps or stairs without making mistakes?

Well, you don't... you will always make mistakes! The number one thing to do is two first make sure you can high kickflip (for security) and can do it while going fast enough for your desired gap/ jump. Then start on really small ones, or go back to how you learned how to ollie, jump a crack in the sidewalk! Go for bigger cracks and gaps then try jumps. Keep building up till you can do just about anything...

How do you do a heel flip in Skate 3?

hold a kickflip on a relay high gap or a long jump. try the super ultra mega park.

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You put your hands up and jump up so the ball cant come over the net

How do you do a quad heel flip in skate 3?

hold a kickflip on a relay high gap or a long jump. try the super ultra mega park.