

How can you learn to skateboard?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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6y ago

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This answer is simple.

Be able to:

Practise 24/7

Put up with bruises and cuts

And then go out and find some skater friends who are willing to help you.

Try joining a skate club too, or go and find a skatepark and practise there, also watching how other people skate can help you too.

Or you can also get a personal trainer to help you!!!!
You can learn to skate board by going to skate parks and having experienced skate boarders. Practicing daily will also build your skill.

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How do you learn to skateboard?

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youtube lol or friends / family

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Amateur skaters can learn various skateboard tricks such as a heelflip on a variety of sites on the web. These include video sites such as YouTube as well as Skateboard City and Yahoo.

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Where can one learn how to Skateboard?

One can learn to Skateboard by observing others on the YouTube. On the site, they often have many videos teaching you how you can get started. As well, one should try it out and the more they practice, the better one will get.

Where could one learn how to kickflip on a skateboard?

The easiest place to learn to kick flip a skateboard would be to search on youtube or to go to your local skate park and ask a regular skater to show you a few things.

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I Would get a fracture full set up to start off

How do you say would like to learn how to skateboard in spanish?

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