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To get ENJOI as a sponsor you probably need to complete a pro challenge.

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Q: How can you have Enjoy as your board sponsor in Skate 2?
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You cannot change your sponsor in skate. If you wanted to change your sponsor you would need to start a new game. However, in Skate 2 you can change your board sponsor whenever you like.

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Of course it is opinion but a majority of people say Skate 1 is better. On Skate 1 you can get more board sponsors and the physics of skating are more realistic on Skate 1. However Skate 1 slightly lacks the quality of the graphics that Skate 2 has in store. Skate 1 is cheaper than Skate 2 as it was an earlier release. Skate 1 I would say is the better game but that is a matter of opinion.

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You have to get amateur online status I don't know how to get that but i

Alien workshop skateboards good?

Yes! I have a Alien Workshop board and it has lasted me 2 years and i skate hard.

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Almost deck Spitfire wheels Tensor Trucks

On skate 2 how can you check who your sponsor is?

Im sure theres an easier way than this but if you have unlocked the training facility, go in there and see what logo is on banners and printed on the quarters and everything. That will be your sponsor. You might be able to go onto your contacts and do pick a pro and re choose your sponsor. You will have to do 1 demo and all the films again though.