The RipStik AIR is meant for those serious about catching major air! The light weight, single-piece design makes this the ultimate RipStik!The RipStik Classic is the original. It's for those that like to keep it real and just have fun while cruisin' around.
The weight limit on a Ripstik Air is typically around 220 pounds. Exceeding this weight limit may affect the performance and durability of the board.
No, with the ripstik Air, you cant move the back of the board like the Ripstik G, and the Ripstik G has faster bearings and easier to do tricks and grind. If you buying a Ripstik, Get the G.source? - Waveboarder/Ripstiker for 1 1/2 years. and get some abec 9 bearings to go faster.The ripstik Air, however, is much lighter and easier for doing ollies and kickflips. I have seen some videos with people doing grinds on the ripstik Air, but it depends what you are using if for.
not really
da ripstik air is stupid it cant go 360 only the g can. buy the g.
The Ripstik Air is GREAT for beginners. It's lighter in weight than all the other caster boards because instead of a torsion bar in the middle, the entire thing is made of a single piece of durable, flexible plastic. Because beginners don't usually grind their Ripstiks, you shouldn't have the thing breaking in half anytime soon. The limit on the casters and the spring-loaded feature also make a beginner's 'first push' easy. Movement is easier, smoother -- _guided_ is probably the best description. If taught properly, any person can learn how to ride a caster board/Ripstik in just 10 minutes from the get-go. I know so because I've taught dozens of people this way.
The Ripstik air is better for tricks and has spring loaded wheels, and is more lightweight. The Ripstik deluxe is less likely to break, has better grips, has a better spring in the middle, and is made of metal therefore making it a little heavier.
umm... well i think the air or dlx
first, you put your front foot on. then, as you are putting your back foot on, push off and then start moving your back leg. that will do the trick ;]
The RIPSTI AIR is one of the bestest or should i say best ripstik around let me help you andswer the question.The ripstik air is unlike all others unlike the others its : Lighter faster and easier to do tricks. Now they are VERy expencive around about 200 buks BUT if you live in austraia QLD at rebel sports RIGHT NOW they are having a MASSIVE sale on them and ripstik airs so if you want one the price is reduced by 120 dollars!!!! so its only nintey take my world for it andGET A Ripstik air only 90 bucks at rebble sport
To me, yes the ripstik is soooo much more fun. I love how it rides. It is so much more smooth than a skateboard. I've done both to be honest. i used to skateboard a lot and thought it wuz great until i learned how to ripstik. Then i knew i had to get one. so i got my my first ripstik and i got it in the sweet color blue. i ride it like everyday now and all of my friends have a ripstik too. Me and my friend have made up soo many beast tricks on our ripstiks. not to make fun of the skateboard or anything, its just my opinion.