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umm... well i think the air or dlx

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Q: Which is the best ripstik?
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Were to go buy glow in the dark wheels for your ripstik?

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What is better ripstik or skateboard?

Ripstick is the best.

What are the best places to ripstik?

I've found that they are cheapest at Target.

I want a ripstik that is smooth fast and has good turning Should I get a ripstik air or a ripstik ripster?


Do ripstik dlx faceplates fit on a normal ripstik?

The RipStik DLX deck plates are the exact same size as any other RipStik deck plate. They can be used on the original RipStik and the RipStik G models. For more information and other replacement parts go to

Is the hi tide like a ripstik?

No. Ripstik is better.

Is the Ripstik better than a skateboard?

To me, yes the ripstik is soooo much more fun. I love how it rides. It is so much more smooth than a skateboard. I've done both to be honest. i used to skateboard a lot and thought it wuz great until i learned how to ripstik. Then i knew i had to get one. so i got my my first ripstik and i got it in the sweet color blue. i ride it like everyday now and all of my friends have a ripstik too. Me and my friend have made up soo many beast tricks on our ripstiks. not to make fun of the skateboard or anything, its just my opinion.

Is the Ripstik Air harder to carve on than the Ripstik?

not really

Is ripstik air better or ripstik g?

da ripstik air is stupid it cant go 360 only the g can. buy the g.

Is a black ripstik better than a silver ripstik?

why would the color matter??

How are the ripstik caster board and the ripstik air different?

The RipStik AIR is meant for those serious about catching major air! The light weight, single-piece design makes this the ultimate RipStik!The RipStik Classic is the original. It's for those that like to keep it real and just have fun while cruisin' around.

Can you get a multi-coloured Ripstik?

no i dont think you can but you can change one side with another ripstik