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Q: Do you need to loosen the wheels on a penny board?
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What type of wheels can you put on a penny board?

Longboard wheels have a small hub, or core, inside it. Skateboard wheels also have this. This allows you to put bearings inside of both of them and can interchange what trucks you put on it. Generally, longboard wheels fit on normal skateboard trucks but a problem you will encounter is wheelbite. You may need to sand the board for wheel wells or put big risers on your board. Another solution is buying harder bushings for less turn and lean.

How do you build a skate board?

if you start out plain you pick out a deck you want. get it gripped up and then your gonna need some hardware and trucks you want for your board. put the trucks on the bottom of the board and fasten the hardware in as well, tighten til you think its perfect. the grab some wheels and bearings put the bearings in the wheels and screw the wheels onto the trucks. when that's finished go hit up the streets on your new board.

How do you make a Tech Deck from scratch?

you cant you need to go to kmart and buy them or you can build them with the washers,screws,wheels,bolts,and a board.

What is the main equipment you need for skateboarding?

the main equipment you need for skateboarding is the board itself, with wheels, etc. Then you need a safety helmet. After that, something like a half-pipe where you can practice your skateboarding is helpful.

Would the brake rotors just slide off of a 1998 gmc safari van after removing the cylinder assembly or do you need a puller?

after removing the caliper and pads, on the front wheels, you loosen the wheel bearing nuts to remove it, if they arent they you need them

Do you need to balance the rear wheels?

Yes. All four wheels need to be balanced.

What seeds do you need to get for penny in moshi monsters?

To get penny you need to be a member and a super moshi. You then complete mission 6 and you will have penny. Unfortunately you can't get penny with seeds

Why do dirt bikes need wheels?

So you can go forwards and backwards. Why do cars need wheels

Do you need bearings on a skateboard?

Yes. The bearings are what allows the wheels to mount up firmly but yet spin freely on the axles/trucks.

What does a penny saved is a penny earned meant?

It means that if you save a penny,you earn that penny when you really need it to spend.

What wheels are best for billy carts?

Pneumatic trolley wheels are considered to be the best wheels for billy carts. You will need four of these wheels, and they all will need to be the same size for weight distribution reasons.

Chrome Wheels?

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