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it depends on what board or brand you buy

most of them don't come with a screw driver

and they also come with screws decks and wheels

that's if you buy them at Walmart.(the cheapest board to buy>()

Or usaully you can buy them separate at a skate shop.

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Q: Do trucks come with screw to hold it to the deck?
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How do you screw it real good?

A three inch deck screw will typically hold anything.

How much weight can a deck screw hold?

The shear strength of deck screw is at least 100 to 110 pounds. It also has about 36,000 pounds per square inch.

How did the skateboard evolved?

The deck of the skateboard was plastic and could not hold a lot of weight on it. The trucks on the skateboard were poorly made too! Now they have wood decks and holds lots of weight! The trucks on the board are now made of better materials!

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It's on the rear deck. Remove the seat, two bolts hold the back rest seat, remove the back, there is two plastic plugs that hold the carpeted deck, remove the carpet deck, lift up the sound padding and it's left of center, it's a black box and one screw holds it in place. Joe

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Why Drywall screw come loose?

the drywall screw didnt come loose the paper that the screw is holding to the wall is what came loose. a screws function is mostly in the head or flange of it. if the head goes throught the paper rather than just indenting the paper, then it ceases to hold anything and the drywall will go in and out around the screw heance the term " screw pop" .

What is screw used to hold together?

One thing that can hold a screw in place is an anchor. You can also use a nut to hold a screw into place.

What will hold two boards together better a screw or a nail?

A screw.

What are the screws used for on skateboards?

To hold the trucks on.

What tools do you need to fix trucks on a skateboard?

Well if there broken you need a new set of trucks. But to put them on you need a truck tool and a automatic/non automatic screwdriver. The truck tool will hold the nuts on the board and the screw driver will make the nut tight so your truck wont fall off.

Why a Screw-diver have magnetised tip?

To hold the screw in place to stop it dropping

Where were slaves kept at on a boat?

in the deck and the hold