Well if there broken you need a new set of trucks. But to put them on you need a truck tool and a automatic/non automatic screwdriver. The truck tool will hold the nuts on the board and the screw driver will make the nut tight so your truck wont fall off.
Most tools necessary to fix a window are available from your local hardware store. You'll need not only tools to fix it, but also the materials to effectively complete the job.
You will need a wrench and screw driver.
try scratching it
No, and neither will any brand name truck. Worst case scenario you might break your kingpin but that's an easy fix (unless you are riding Grind Kinds)
You can't fix it yourself - it would need technical knowledge and specialist tools.
Probably need to rebuild the transmission.
its something candles are made of to make obstacles like rails easier to grind
To fix a washer, first you need to find out where is the sound coming from. Then make sure to prepare the tools. One of the most familiar tools that we see appliance repairmen use is an ohm, or a voltage regulator, which is a device that repairmen to use to see if an appliance is still working.
You will need pipes and tools to fix the heating and plumbing in your home. Knowledge of how to make the repairs is a must to be sure the job is done correctly and efficiently.
Amazon would be the cheapest way to go!
well when you get a house you will need to know how to fix some things if anything breaks.
Unless you have all the tools you need to fix it (you don't; a lot of the tools you need for a transmission repair are specific to that task), do not attempt to open a transmission. You can remove it from the car and clean it, but go no further.