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Yes, you can skate in the dirt Yes, you can skate in the dirt

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Q: Can you skateboard in the dirt?
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What is a dirtboard?

A dirtboard is a long skateboard with bindings and large wheels for all terrain like snowboarding on grass, dirt and other surfaces

What is a lubricants?

Lubricant is basically an oil. There are bearings in a car or even a skateboard which requires lubircant so the metal will be able to control its temperature and avoid damage from friction and dirt.

How can you make your skateboard berings faster?

When you get them fresh out the box, get some bones speed cream and lather it up. Also try to keep them out of the dirt, water, mud, sand etc.

What to put in a skateboard backpack?

A skateboard.

How do you spell skateboard in German?

It is exactly the same. "the skateboard" means "das skateboard"

How do you use skateboard in a sentence?

My brother's skateboard is blue with white and black, he loves his skateboard.

Given the same slope angle which is faster a snowboard or skateboard?

a skateboard will go faster a skateboard will go faster a skateboard will go faster

What is the strongest skateboard?

Ironically, the largest skateboard.

How do you skateboard in poptrpoica?

You cannot skateboard in poptropica

How can you skateboard without getting in trouble?

do not skateboard.

Why did they name it a skateboard?

=they named a skateboard a skateboard cause you are simply skating on a board I think that's the answer=

What skateboard wheels are easier to turn on?

Wheels dont make a skateboard easier to turn on the skateboard trucks do that.