The world record for the longest time dribbling a Basketball non-stop is 26 hours and 2 minutes, set by Guinness World Record holder Taurian Fontenette in 2011.
42 hours
The Guinness World Record for the longest time spinning a basketball on a finger is 22 minutes and 12 seconds, set by Thomas Connor in 2016.
11 and 1/2 basketball units.
The world record for the longest living starfish is around 35 years.
The world record for laughing the longest is 3 hours and 6 minutes. Belachew Girme of Ethiopia holds the record.
The world record for the longest blues jam is Blues-A-Thon in Williamsport, PA. Every year they try to surpass their last world record for jamming.
No, Chester did not beat the world record for the longest bunting. The current Guinness World Record for the longest bunting is held by a group in the UK and consists of 3,427.94 meters.
As of now, there isn't a specific world record category for the longest list. However, there are records for individual elements within a list, such as the longest list of names or the longest book list.
As of now, there is no official world record for the longest Gmail chat. Google does not keep track of or recognize records for the duration of chats on their platform.
Peyton adms holds this record with 59
Vikersund, which has the record for world's longest jump.
1 cm