Approximately 20 people have bowled a sanctioned (official) 292 game - the rarest one-game score in bowling, since it requires 11 strikes in a row, followed by exactly two pins on the final ball.
Probably the most unique to achieve this is Kent Wagner of Florida, who bowled his 292 in the fall of 2005, after more than two dozen tries, just so he could lay claim to being the first (and so far, the only) person to bowl at least one game of every possible score from 290 to 300!
292 is statistically the most difficult game to achieve, so if any score has "never been bowled" it'd be that.
Yes Bill Stoddard of Rochester,NY did on 10-10-2010.
The fastest ball ever bowled by a woman was 82 mph (131.6 km/h) by Australian cricketer Cathryn Fitzpatrick in 2010.
praveen kumar
praveen kumar
The fastest ever ball bowled in cricket is by Brett Lee about 156 kmh.
yes he had made a 300 in the year of 2000
292 requires 11 strikes in a row a 2 on the last ball. It has happened. 271 has probably never been bowled. It requires 1 in the first frame followed by 11 strikes.
The homophone of "bowled" is "bold."
not moving :D :D lol jk .001 km/H
If you bowled a game and then bowled 100 or more pins above or below that score, you centuried yourself. For example, if you bowled a 268 and then bowled a 156, you centuried yourself.