bowled She has never bowled before, but she ended up with a decent score anyway. The novice bowler boldly bowled her first ball in bowling.
If you bowled a game and then bowled 100 or more pins above or below that score, you centuried yourself. For example, if you bowled a 268 and then bowled a 156, you centuried yourself.
No one knows for sure...... But I have never bowled a 300, but however, my brother has once.
The same as you score any game of bowling. A scratch game means no handicap is involved. Your total for a scratch game is the same as your score for the actual game you bowled. Your total for a handicap game is the actual score you bowled plus your handicap.
No. It would be called the mode score.The median is the number that lies halfway when a series is arranged in ascending or descending order.The mode is the number that occurs most frequently. That is, the most common value or, in this case, the score bowled most often.
300 is the highest you can bowl. the only reason it would be higher is if the person has handicap which would be added to the scratch score
The highest score was by Richard Nixon and I'm pretty sure he bowled 232
Yes I have bowled several, though not at the same time.
He was bowled out for a duck (0) on his second ball, giving him a test average of 99.94
The sport is cricket in which the batter is bowled out without scoring a single run (out for a duck).