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Stalin scrapped Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP) in favor of his own Five Year Plans.

Stalin and other hardline Marxist/Communists felt that Lenin's NEP was a retreat from the move from capitalism to socialism and were angered over it. The NEP was kept in place by Stalin and his co-rulers after Lenin's death until 1929 when Stalin had eliminated his opposition and became the sole power in the Soviet Union. That is when he replaced the NEP with his own program for economic recovery.

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Q: What economic policy did Stalin take from Lenin?
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Who tried to take power away from Lenin?

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Joseph Stalin succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party because Stalin had already been made Secretary General of the party before Lenin died. Stalin did not take over as sole leader of the Soviet Union, but he was the leader of the Communist Party.

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Joseph Stalin

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Stalin never "joined the Soviet Union." Vladimir Lenin created it in 1922 when Stalin was one of several Commissars in Lenin's government. After Lenin died Stalin and others took over running the Soviet government. Later he had total control of it. Why did he take control over it. Stalin was always power hungry and controlling. He saw his chance at surviving Lenin after Lenin had his disabling strokes and stepped in to take that control of and exercise power over a country.

What were the reactions of Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky to Lenin's death?

Stalin was glad to be rid of Lenin so that he could now take over the Communist Party and the Soviet Union himself. Stalin had been running the government behind Lenin's back with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev. Now he did not have to hide it. Also, Stalin was making disparaging remarks about Lenin because of his invalided condition after his strokes. Trotsky was sad to see Lenin go, but at the same time worried because he knew what Stalin would try to eliminate him now that Lenin was no longer there to keep Stalin in line.

Who did Vladimir Lenin have concerns about on his deathbed?

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When it became clear to Lenin that there would be no Western democracy help to the USSR by staging their own workers' revolution, he had to adopt the "Socialism in one country" policy. Stalin took hold of this idea as well. Stalin also adopted Lenin's modernization of Marxism by declaring that imperialism was the highest form of capitalism. To safeguard the Soviet Union, he made it clear that to build socialism in the USSR, there could be no "white gloves". This meant that there would be bloodshed to make Lenin's dream come true. Stalin's policy was to turn the USSR from an agrarian economy into an industrial nation. Only by doing this could guarantee the independence of the USSR as it was encircled by imperialist-capitalist enemies. While few inside the USSR could fault Stalin for this stance, it was Stalin's methods that greatly disturbed the left wing of the party. And, the cult of personality surrounding Stalin began to take shape.

Who were 3 Soviet communist leaders?

u no lifes go and research dont take the easy way out read books


Lenin's death was premature, few expected this would happen. After Lenin's death, his group of top supporters such as Stalin and Trotsky, among the other leading Bolsheviks maneuvered themselves to take control of the "revolution". Stalin became the dictator of the Soviet Union. His grip on the Party and the nation was strong. Party members he thought were rivals or threats to his power, such as Trotsky, were exiled or executed.

When did Leon Trotsky rise to power?

Trotsky never did reign over Russia. Lenin did at first after the Revolution. Then Lenin became ill and Joseph Stalin, Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev ruled together. After Lenin died, Trotsky was supposed to take over according to papers left behind by Lenin, but Stalin prevented that and forced Trotsky first out of the Communist Party then out of the country.