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He was adverse to Stalin taking over, so he probably wanted Trotsky to come to power.
Stalin wanted to build Lenin's memory up as almost god-like pretty much so that he could be perceived that way too when he took over from Lenin.
While Lenin was initially critical of both Trotsky and Stalin, toward the end he began to see Stalin's true ambitions and strongly favored Trotsky over him. Trotsky, (who was by no means an angle) was ruthless but extremely dedicated to communism and sincerely belived in the cause. Trotsky would probably no do any thing as awful as Stalin did and probably would have entered WWII before stalin. all and all Trotsky's soviet union would probably bear more resembelence to the one envisioned by comrade Lenin.
Communist. He wasn't a leader, though. He was selected to be Vladimir Lenin's successor, which would have made him Premier of the Soviet Union if Joseph Stalin didn't usurp the position so he could lead the country. If you want to know more, Wikipedia has a good article on him.
He dreamed of power and control.He wanted people to worship him.
He was adverse to Stalin taking over, so he probably wanted Trotsky to come to power.
Joseph Stalin come to power in Russia after the Russian Revolution in 1917. He was the secretary general of the communists party which did not want Leon Trotsky to ascend to power after the death of Lenin.
Stalin wanted to build Lenin's memory up as almost god-like pretty much so that he could be perceived that way too when he took over from Lenin.
While Lenin was initially critical of both Trotsky and Stalin, toward the end he began to see Stalin's true ambitions and strongly favored Trotsky over him. Trotsky, (who was by no means an angle) was ruthless but extremely dedicated to communism and sincerely belived in the cause. Trotsky would probably no do any thing as awful as Stalin did and probably would have entered WWII before stalin. all and all Trotsky's soviet union would probably bear more resembelence to the one envisioned by comrade Lenin.
he wanted to take over germany, showing no mercy
because the kulak had power!
Trotsky believed as well as Lenin did that if a communist / socialist government is to come to power (USSR) it should openly support and interfere with every conflict and help the communist factions to try to spread communism internationally. Stalin believed that too but when he came to power he changed his view, He openly wrote books talking about the possible failures of Marx and Lenin. Stalin believed that a communist / socialist country should try to create a utopia where life was so good for all citizens that all other countries in the world would want to follow that belief and convert to communism themselves.
Joseph changed his name to Stalin to help prove his image to the public. Because Stalin means 'Man of Steel' in Russian, meaning that was the image he wanted everyone to see! Further, Stalin's birth name was obviously not a Russian name. The form of the name is uniquely Georgian and Georgia was not Russia. He knew that the true Russians in the Bolshevik Party would look upon him as an outsider and that the people of Russia would not want a "foreigner" to have governmental authority over them. In addition, Stalin wanted to emulate Vladimir Lenin, who had adopted the name Lenin in favor of his birth name Ulyanov. "Stalin" had a similar ring to "Lenin" so for all the above reasons, especially for the "Man of Steel" reason, he chose that. And besides, everybody who was anybody in the Bolshevik Party just had to have a special revolutionary name. It was all the rage. Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Kalinin and others were all pseudonyms chosen for one reason or another.
Communist. He wasn't a leader, though. He was selected to be Vladimir Lenin's successor, which would have made him Premier of the Soviet Union if Joseph Stalin didn't usurp the position so he could lead the country. If you want to know more, Wikipedia has a good article on him.
He dreamed of power and control.He wanted people to worship him.
He was the communist leader of Russia from 1925 to the 1950's. He killed millions.
While Lenin was disabled from strokes, Joseph Stalin, Grigori Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev ran the country through the structure of the Communist Party. This continued after Lenin died in 1924. Stalin was General Secretary of the Communist Party and began placing people loyal to him in important posts in government and on the Central Committee of the Party. He eliminated Leon Trotsky, Lenin's choice for his successor), had him expelled from the Party then from the country. Over the next few years, Stalin isolated Zinoviev and Kamenev and had them expelled and eventually executed. By 1929, he was the only one left with any power in the government although he was still subject to being removed by vote of the Politburo of the Central Committee. By about 1932, he had enough of his men on the Politburo that he could do almost as he pleased without worrying about being removed. That is when he became the dictator that he is known for.