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A measuring tape, a landing area made of sand.

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1mo ago

For long jump, you would need to use equipment such as running shoes with good grip, comfortable athletic clothing, a takeoff board for jumping, measuring tape, and a sand pit for landing. Optional equipment could include a stop watch for timing runs and jumps, as well as training aids such as plyometric boxes for strength and speed training.

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Q: What equipment would you need or use for long jump?
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How long does a jump start need to charge after a jump?

After jump-starting a vehicle, it is recommended to drive it for at least 15-30 minutes to allow the battery to recharge. This will help ensure that the battery has enough power to start the car on its own the next time.

How much energy you need to jump?

The amount of energy required to jump depends on various factors such as the person's weight, height, and the height of the jump. On average, a person may use about 0.2-0.3 calories per jump.

Can you sell a piece of equipment when you have a blanket ucc filing?

Yes, you can sell a piece of equipment with a blanket UCC filing in place. However, the sale proceeds would typically need to be used to pay off the existing debts secured by the UCC filing before you can transfer ownership of the equipment to the buyer.

How much speed do you need to jump 4.5 meter off a 1.5 meter high jump?

In order to jump 4.5 meters horizontally after taking off from a 1.5 meter high jump, you would need a horizontal velocity of approximately 8 m/s. This calculation is based on the principles of projectile motion and assumes ideal conditions without air resistance.

Which is the take-off velocity of a jump of 0.27 m?

To determine the take-off velocity of a jump of 0.27 m, you would need to know additional information, such as the angle at which the jump is launched, acceleration due to gravity, and the height of the jump. These variables are necessary to calculate the initial velocity required to achieve a jump height of 0.27 m.

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What do you need for a long jump?

a sand pit

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a saftey mat and a cross bar.stands that hold the cross bar up.

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What equipment do you need to bungee jump?

Absolutely nothing!!! Now to jump out of a plane and land safely on the ground... that is a different story. Or you would probably use a para-shute and a trained professional to help you

Why does an athlete run certain distance before taking a long jump?

Its to build up forward momentum so that when they jump they already have a forward motion that would be greater than that of a jump made from standing in one spot. You need forward momentum to get a good long jump and the best way is to have a running start.

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It would not be possible to cycle up it. It is too high, and covered in snow and you would need special equipment, just to climb it.

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What equipment would you need to travel in to space?

A spaceship.

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How high does a 6 foot guy need to dunk?

Yes, it is possible. It depends on how long your arms are and your vertical jump. I would say if you could have a 20-26 in. vertical, you could dunk, not easily, but you could still dunk.