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After jump-starting a vehicle, it is recommended to drive it for at least 15-30 minutes to allow the battery to recharge. This will help ensure that the battery has enough power to start the car on its own the next time.

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Q: How long does a jump start need to charge after a jump?
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Why won't my Jeep jump start?

Your Jeep probably won't jump start because the battery is not strong enough to hold a charge anymore. You will need to replace the battery. +++ You will need to replace the battery if it won't hold a charge, but given a suitable source vehicle it should still be possible to jump start (NB 'jump' electrically, not tow-start) any car even with a fully flat battery.

Whats does it mean when you need a jump every time to start your car?

Typically when you need to jump start your car every time in order to start it, there is a problem with the battery. It could be that the alternator is not working and is not charging the battery, or it could be that the battery is not holding a charge.

97 explorer clicks but wont start?

You need to charge your battery or get a jump. Replace the battery or have it checked because it is dead.

Do I need to fully charge a new car battery before putting it in the car or can I just jump start it?

In most cases a new battery will be charged enough to start the vehicle

How long does alternator need to charge battery after jump?

Immediately disconnect cables but leave car running for at least fifteen minutes

Is battery bad if you can't jump start?

Yes, the battery may be defective is you cannot jump start the car. The battery may also be so low as to need to be charged some before you attempt to start the car. Put a charger on the battery and see if it will accept a charge.

How do you jump a Mercedes S500?

This car should never need a jump. Just turn the car off for a few hours and then restart it again. It should charge up enough during this time to start again.

Can you use a jump box to charge a car battery that's not in a car For example have the car battery hooked up to the jump box for a few hours inside my garage Or do I need an actual batt charger?

A jump box will only partially charge the battery. You need a charger to fully charge the battery.

Your 2002 mustang will not start without a jump but after it starts everything is fine?

you need a new battery yours does not hold its charge for the cranking amps needed or you have a dead cell in it.

How do you recharge a battery?

you need someone to jump start it

Why does an athlete run certain distance before taking a long jump?

Its to build up forward momentum so that when they jump they already have a forward motion that would be greater than that of a jump made from standing in one spot. You need forward momentum to get a good long jump and the best way is to have a running start.

What is wrong with kohler tractor when started in the morning ran most of the day and tried to restart in the evening and cannot jump start it with charger but can start with car?

Typically a charger is not meant ot "jump start" and engine. It provides a slow, regulated charge to the battery. A car battery or fully charged battery will typically provide enough pwoer to jump start your tractor. I recommend charging your battery for a number of hours (or overnight) till completely recharged. If the tractor will no start without a jump, your battery may be in need of replacement.