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A javelin must stick horizontally into the ground, without leaning to either side, in order to be considered valid for measurement in competition. If the javelin lands pointed downward or at an angle, it will not be counted.

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Q: How must a javelin land to be valid for it to be measured?
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Which of the following must always be measured or described relative to something else?

Quantities such as speed, temperature, and position must always be measured or described relative to a reference point or standard in order to have meaning. For example, speed is measured relative to a specific point in time, temperature is measured relative to a chosen scale, and position is described relative to a coordinate system.

Which two physical quantities must be measured in order to determine the density of a liquid?

To determine the density of a liquid, two physical quantities that must be measured are the mass of the liquid and the volume of the liquid. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of the liquid by its volume.

What must motion be measured relative to?

Motion must be measured relative to a frame of reference, which is a set of coordinates that are used to determine the position of an object in space. This can be a stationary object, another moving object, or an observer. The motion of an object is described in terms of its change in position relative to the chosen frame of reference.

What two things must a theory do?

A theory must explain a phenomenon or a set of observations and be testable through experimentation or observation in order to be considered valid and scientific.

What are two properties you must know to determine density?

To determine density, you must know both the mass and volume of the object or substance. Mass is typically measured in grams or kilograms, while volume is usually measured in milliliters or cubic centimeters. Density is calculated by dividing the mass by the volume.

Related questions

What are the rules of throwing a javelin?

The javelin must land front first into the grass but it doesn't have to stick in as long as it makes a Mark the thrower must release the javelin at shoulder height only

What are the rules of javelin throw?

The javelin must land front first into the grass but it doesn't have to stick in as long as it makes a Mark the thrower must release the javelin at shoulder height only

What are modern rules for javelin?

v The javelin must be held at the grip and thrown over the shoulder or upper part of the throwing arm.v It must not be slung or hurled.v You must not cross the throwing line even after your throw.v The javelin must land within the sector lines.Brooke is the pole and cloe dances around her like a animal on fire. During the throw, you must not turn completely round so that your back is towards the throwing line.The umpire must be fairby the way i only made these rules up so i wouldn't copy thisJoe Davis is a nob

What indicates a fair throw in javelin?

A fair throw in javelin is indicated when the javelin lands within the sector lines on the field. If the javelin lands outside these lines, the throw is considered a foul. The athlete must also stay within the throwing arc during the throw and cannot cross the foul line before the javelin lands to ensure the throw is fair.

Does a javelin thrower have to throw the javelin over a pole to win?

No - the thrower must simply throw the javelin the furthest distance with both a legal delivery and landing of the implement.

What are the legal formalities that are necessary to formulate a deed of sale?

The legal formalities that are necessary to execute a valid deed are as follows:The grantor must be the owner of the property.The deed must meet the requirements for a valid deed in the jurisdiction where the land is located.The deed must be recorded in the land records in order to be effective against the world.All deeds should be drafted by a professional. Errors made by non-professionals can be expensive to correct if they can be corrected.The legal formalities that are necessary to execute a valid deed are as follows: The grantor must be the owner of the property.The deed must meet the requirements for a valid deed in the jurisdiction where the land is located.The deed must be recorded in the land records in order to be effective against the world.All deeds should be drafted by a professional. Errors made by non-professionals can be expensive to correct if they can be corrected.The legal formalities that are necessary to execute a valid deed are as follows: The grantor must be the owner of the property.The deed must meet the requirements for a valid deed in the jurisdiction where the land is located.The deed must be recorded in the land records in order to be effective against the world.All deeds should be drafted by a professional. Errors made by non-professionals can be expensive to correct if they can be corrected.The legal formalities that are necessary to execute a valid deed are as follows: The grantor must be the owner of the property.The deed must meet the requirements for a valid deed in the jurisdiction where the land is located.The deed must be recorded in the land records in order to be effective against the world.All deeds should be drafted by a professional. Errors made by non-professionals can be expensive to correct if they can be corrected.

What is the line called that the javelin is thrown from?

The javelin is thrown off of the "run way," which is the strip of track turf that is usually on either end of the field. Each throw must be completed behind the "foul line." This is typically a line or a metal/plastic board at the end of the runway. If the thrower steps over (including falling over) the line it is considered a foul and the throw is disregarded and not measured. This can happen if the thrower is out of control, has poor spacing, or walks over the foul line after their throw. To maintain their throw and to get it measured, they must not step over it or fall over it, instead they must exit a few feet behind it to either side of the run way after the javelin lands or the official calls it fair with the word "mark."

How long is the javelin run up?

The run up lane is 4 meters wide and at least 30 meters long. It ends with a curved "scratch line" and feeds into a 29 degree arc. Throwers must remain completely behind the scratch line and the forward tip of the javelin must land inside the area defined by the arc otherwise the throw does not count for score.

What in the 2008 Olympics has to be 2.6meters?

men's javelin must be at least 2.6 meters long

How is the winner decided at javelin throw?

To put it simply, the athlete who throws the javelin the farthest throw wins. If there is a tie, the person whose next best throw went the farthest wins. If still tied after this, then compare the third-best distance of the tied athletes and the athlete with the greatest third-best distance is awarded the higher place.

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You must pay the lien and obtain a valid release from the creditor. A valid release of an execution must come from the court where the judgment lien was obtained. The release must be recorded in the land records by the proper court authority. A lien for taxes must be released by the recording of written release from the government authority that recorded the lien.

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If one of the fee owners didn't sign the contract then you don't have a valid contract. In order for the contract to purchase land and build on it to be valid and binding on the parties it must be signed by all of the purchasers and all of the fee owners.