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How ridiculous, that the top answer here is that Ballet dancers are not short. They are demonstrably short, and considerably shorter than the non-dancer population. In fact, many ballerinas have been rejected as students for already being too tall for admission to schools at age 10.

Nureyev was 5'8" and Barishnikov was only 5'5". Given that most schools do not admit tall students, there is obviously self-selection. But also is the issue that the spongiform ends of the long bones are more rapidly turned to fused states when impact pressure is applied. Gymnasts have the same issue. Gymnasts are self-selecting for slight builds, but the impact of their leaps and jumps cause bones to stop elongating sooner than they might without such impact pressure. So it is a combination of smaller stature children undertaking behaviors that inhibit long bone elongation.

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Alice Schmid

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โˆ™ 4y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

ballet dancers arent short. its better if they are tall. they have good posture if they are tall!

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A tutu, which means a short, full skirt. Or it depends on what the theme of your dance is.

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No its not true at all. There are many famous male ballet dancers.

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Ballet dancers are paid $15,000-$30,000 US dollars on average annually. However this depends on the level of the company and its prestige, and the position you hold in the company. For example, dancers at American Ballet Theatre make more money than dancers at the Portland Ballet Company. Also, principal dancers will make much more than dancers in the corps de ballet.

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Ballet dancers dont have to be thin. However in order to gain the flexibility and physical strength for ballet, you do have to be very fit.

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Corps de Ballet

Can you be a 'little' ballet dancer?

If by little you mean short and petite then yes. There are many short dancers out there that are actually really good. If ballet is something you want to do, just really do your best and if you are good it wont matter what size you are.