

Best Answer

Ballet dancers are sorry its clear that they are as test have proved this

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Q: Who is fitter ballet dancers or rugby players?
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Related questions

Is a ballet dancer stronger than a rugby player?

Ballet dancers and rugby players are strong in different ways. I think that male ballet dancers might be stronger but it's hard to judge

What are the players of rugby called?

Rugby Players

What famous rugby or football players do ballet for strength and balance?

One player who when young did dance was Shane Williams of Ospreys and Wales Rugby Union - He now is nicknamed twinkle toes by his team mates

15 P in a R T?

15 players in a rugby team

When was Rugby Players' Association created?

Rugby Players' Association was created in 1998.

How many players are allowed on the rugby field for one team at a time?

for rugby league it is 13 players and for rugby union it is 15 players

How many rugby players are there in Japan?

There are 122,598 registered rugby union players in japan.

How many players are nedded to play rugby?

Rugby League has 13 players on each team. Rugby Union has 15 players on each team. There is a recognised game of seven-a-side in Rugby Union.

Which sport has 15 players in a team?

Rugby Union 15 players, (8 forwards and 7 backs) (Rugby League 13 players)

When was Rugby Union Players Association created?

Rugby Union Players Association was created in 1995.

When was Welsh Rugby Players Association created?

Welsh Rugby Players Association was created in 2003.

Are Rugby Players or Soccer players the fittest?

This answer depends on your definition of fitness. If you include speed, agility, power, endurance, strength, etc. as measures of fitness then truly a rugby player would be the fitter. Most soccer players are agile, fast, and have good endurance but they usually lack power and strength. The average soccer player is 170lbs while the average rugby player is 190lbs. Given that both have relatively low percentages of body fat, the rugby player would have more lean muscle than the soccer player. Well in long run rugby players are always running around and never stay in the same place but in football they can stand in one place so therefore rugby is a fitter sport