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a tux, corsage, and a bow. if he's a dancer wear tights

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Q: What should a guy wear to a ballet?
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Should guys wear ballet flats?


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Is it alright for a boy to wear ballet dresses?

NO, boys should not be wearing dresses in or out of ballet class.

What clothes must you wear if you do ballet?

In most ballet schools, your "uniform" would be a short-sleeved, black leotard, pale pink tights, and pale pink soft leather ballet shoes. Your hair should be in a bun and you should not wear jewelry.

What do you have to wear to ballet class?

You should wear a black leotard (any style) and pink or white tights. Wear pink ballet slippers or pointe shoes. Hair must be secured in a ponytail or a bun. optional- add a black or pink ballet skirt if you would like. boys- black shorts and white shirt. Wear black ballet shoes. Bring a water bottle.

Can anyone wear a ballet dress to ballet school?

It depends on the uniform of the ballet school, although the most typical uniform is a leotard and tights for females and a shirt, dance belt, and tights for males.

Can you wear ballet body suit to swim with?

You can but I wouldn't wear it to ballet class after you swim in it.

What shoes do ballet dancers wear?

Ballet dancers wear Ballet Shoes which are mainly soft pink and sometimes have a ribbon to secure them

What shoes do you wear to ballet?

If you do tap, tap shoes. If you do ballet, ballet flats.

What should you and your friend wear for a dance competition?

It depends what type of compition it it. If it's ballroom/latin-american then girls should wear dresses and boys should wear shuts(trousers and shirt). If it's ballet then wear the ballet costume. If it's freestyle/modern/disco/breakdancing ect then you should wear something comfy and causal, like sorts and a tee. It depends what type of dance you are doing.

If you wear a black dress to homecoming what should the guy wear?

The guy should wear a black tux. That way he will not make you look bad and clash.

What should a woman wear to the nutcracker ballet?

As an attendee at a performance, a nice dress or a pants suit. As a performer, you wear what the costume director tells you to wear.