NO, boys should not be wearing dresses in or out of ballet class.
In most ballet schools, your "uniform" would be a short-sleeved, black leotard, pale pink tights, and pale pink soft leather ballet shoes. Your hair should be in a bun and you should not wear jewelry.
You should wear a black leotard (any style) and pink or white tights. Wear pink ballet slippers or pointe shoes. Hair must be secured in a ponytail or a bun. optional- add a black or pink ballet skirt if you would like. boys- black shorts and white shirt. Wear black ballet shoes. Bring a water bottle.
NO, boys should not be wearing dresses in or out of ballet class.
In most ballet schools, your "uniform" would be a short-sleeved, black leotard, pale pink tights, and pale pink soft leather ballet shoes. Your hair should be in a bun and you should not wear jewelry.
You should wear a black leotard (any style) and pink or white tights. Wear pink ballet slippers or pointe shoes. Hair must be secured in a ponytail or a bun. optional- add a black or pink ballet skirt if you would like. boys- black shorts and white shirt. Wear black ballet shoes. Bring a water bottle.
It depends on the uniform of the ballet school, although the most typical uniform is a leotard and tights for females and a shirt, dance belt, and tights for males.
You can but I wouldn't wear it to ballet class after you swim in it.
Ballet dancers wear Ballet Shoes which are mainly soft pink and sometimes have a ribbon to secure them
If you do tap, tap shoes. If you do ballet, ballet flats.
It depends what type of compition it it. If it's ballroom/latin-american then girls should wear dresses and boys should wear shuts(trousers and shirt). If it's ballet then wear the ballet costume. If it's freestyle/modern/disco/breakdancing ect then you should wear something comfy and causal, like sorts and a tee. It depends what type of dance you are doing.
The guy should wear a black tux. That way he will not make you look bad and clash.
As an attendee at a performance, a nice dress or a pants suit. As a performer, you wear what the costume director tells you to wear.