See I did Ballet from the ages of 2-11 then stopped my lessons, after completing a grade 4 exam. I then carried on doing tap, modern and ballroom dancing. I wish to take up ballet again. What standard should I get lessons at? Go back to grade 5, or because of all my other experience go higher?
Your best bet is to ask an actual teacher, but I would guess Cecchetti Level 3. Good luck!
Ballet is sometimes easy to learn it just depends on what kind of ballet teachers you have. It also is sometimes hard because you dont know what steps they will make you do in class. In my opinion i think u should start with a easier teacher if its your first time. If not you could start a little harder like elementary 4,5 if u have that level
when did ballet folklorico start and where did it spread
You can start learning ballet at any time. If you start too young, you could get into bad habits, and the Ropyal Ballet School says you should start around 6-7 years of age. You go down to the locakl ballet school, and if you are amazing, auditionj for the Royal Ballet School. Also, go for their Summer School. You learn LOADS, and it is amazing there!!
Grade 1 Ballet is a level like in music. In Ballet you start at primary. you primary exam is the 1st exam you take in ballet and when you take your primary exam and pass you move up into grade 1.Depending on the ballet school and teacher children are around the age of 6 at grade 1.
Your best bet is to ask an actual teacher, but I would guess Cecchetti Level 3. Good luck!
Ballet is sometimes easy to learn it just depends on what kind of ballet teachers you have. It also is sometimes hard because you dont know what steps they will make you do in class. In my opinion i think u should start with a easier teacher if its your first time. If not you could start a little harder like elementary 4,5 if u have that level
when did ballet folklorico start and where did it spread
You can start learning ballet at any time. If you start too young, you could get into bad habits, and the Ropyal Ballet School says you should start around 6-7 years of age. You go down to the locakl ballet school, and if you are amazing, auditionj for the Royal Ballet School. Also, go for their Summer School. You learn LOADS, and it is amazing there!!
obviously anything u do u should start at when ur young but of course its not too late! just when u take ballet- work ur hardest at all times. be an overachiever:)
Grade 1 Ballet is a level like in music. In Ballet you start at primary. you primary exam is the 1st exam you take in ballet and when you take your primary exam and pass you move up into grade 1.Depending on the ballet school and teacher children are around the age of 6 at grade 1.
Ballet began in the 15th century.
Level 5 in ballet is a advanced level you can get stronger in. In ballet 1 you learn the basics. In ballet 2 you learn more steps but still not to advanced. In ballet 3 you learn some more steps and get a little more advanced. In ballet 4 you get stronger and more steps and at that point your feet get stronger and when your feet are strong enough your teacher decides if you go up on pointe or not yet. After 3 or 4 years in ballet 4 you go to ballet 5. ballet 5 is a very advanced class and is the highest level you can get to!
romantic ballet started in the 1800's.
ballet is all year long
Ballet started in Europe then spreaded throughout the country
Tchaikovsky raised ballet music to a new level with lyrical melodies and rich orchestration.