

Best Answer

1. Mariinsky Kirov Ballet

2. Bolshoi Ballet

3. New York Ballet

4. American Ballet Theatre

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Q: What are the best ballet companies in the world?
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Related questions

Best ballet companies in the world?

1. Mariinsky Kirov Ballet 2. Bolshoi Ballet 3. New York Ballet 4. American Ballet Theatre

What are the best ballet schools in the world?

School of American Ballet

What are the top 10 ballet companies in the world?

There is no official list.

How many pros do ballet?

There are countless numbers of professional ballet dancers in may different professional ballet companies all across the world.

Where is Ballet popular?

Ballet is popular all over the world though it originated in France. There are many very famous companies all over the world such as The school of American ballet, Kirov, the royal ballet school, so on.

Name two famous Russian ballet companies?

Russian is known for its many ballet companies. The two most famous ballet companies in Russia are the Bolshoi Ballet and Mariinsky Ballet. The Mariinsky Ballet used to be known as the Kirov Ballet.

Best ballet companies?

there is one really really good ballet company in NH. Its called Southern New Hampshire Dance Theater. The New York City Ballet is also a popular ballet as well as American Ballet.

What is the best ballet school in the world?

There is not one that is the best but there are many amazing ones. Canada's National Ballet School, American Ballet Theater, Royal Ballet School, Paris Opera, Australian Ballet School, Houston Ballet School, Stuttgart Ballet, and the list goes on....

Where in the US are the top ten ballet companies of 2007-2008?

Great American ballet companies are a matter of opinion. Yet, the New York City Ballet, American Ballet Theater, Pacific Northwest Ballet, San Fransisco Ballet, Miami City Ballet, Boston Ballet, Pennsylvania Ballet, Oregon Ballet, and other smaller-tier companies are considered at the top!

Is the Royal Ballet School London a good school?

The Royal Ballet Company in London, England is one of the premier first tier ballet companies in the world. Their school is very prestigious and has great training!

What are 3 famous ballet schools and companies?

New York City Ballet American Ballet Theatre School of American Ballet Those are usually the most popular schools. I think all three of them also have ballet companies.

What are the top ballet companies in usa2011?

American Ballet Theatre New York City Ballet San Fransisco Ballet Pacific Northwest Ballet Boston Ballet