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No, it was made in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century. In other words it was made in Italy.

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Q: Was ballet first introduced in France?
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Related questions

Where was ballet first danced?

Ballet was first danced in France and Italy.

What is the earliest ballet?

The first ballet there ever was is cecchetti. It originated from france.

When was ballet discovered?

Ballet was first danced in Italy but, King Luis the III created the first ballet school in France.

When was ballet introduced to Russia?

Ballet was not introduced to Russia, that's where ballet started

Who was first person to start ballet theory?

Louis the XIV started the first ballet school in France

Why is the ballet language in french when ballet was first originated in Russia?

Ballet actually originated in Italy, but france was the first to name the steps. hope this helps

Who started ballet dance?

there isn't really a person who "started" ballet. ballet originated in Italy, moving with catherine de medici to France when she married king Henry II. she introduced her tradition of Ballo, or dance. in the 1700's, king Louis of France became fascinated with ballet. not only did he create the first ballet academy, he also danced in every production of all the dances. that is, until he became too fat. :( :P from there, France slowly began to lose interest, and that's where russia comes in. Russian george balachine brought ballet to America. tada! a brief history of ballet. :)

The first clearly Romantic ballet La Sylphide was innovative because it first introduced?


What was the first ballet ever preformed?

The first ballet ever preformed was The Ballet Comique de la Reine. It was for the queen of France in 1581. the ballet lasted 5 hrs with 10,000 people in the audience.

Where did ballet first occour?

Ballet (basically) in Italy, but started to evolve into the ballet we know today in the courts of King Louis the 14th of France.

Is ballet start in France?

No, it actually didn't, even though the Classical Ballet words are in French. Classical Ballet first started in Italy!

How long has ballet been around in the US?

Ballet was first introduced in the US in 1901 when The Ballet Russe, a Russian technique company started touring and perfroming in the states.