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The first Ballet ever preformed was The Ballet Comique de la Reine. It was for the queen of France in 1581. the ballet lasted 5 hrs with 10,000 people in the audience.

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Q: What was the first ballet ever preformed?
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What is the most popular ballet preformed on Christmas?

The most popular ballet preformed on Christmas is 'The Nutcracker'

What is folktoric ballet?

a type of ballet often preformed in Columbia and Mexico.

Who was the first ballet?

Wait, what the H**l do you mean? "Who was the first TO DANCE ballet?" or "WHAT was the first ballet?" The first ballet (at least ever recorded) was "Le Ballet Comique de la Reine." And as for the first ever to dance... well, that hasn't been put on record either. Sorry...

What is the earliest ballet?

The first ballet there ever was is cecchetti. It originated from france.

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Wen was the first nutcracker ballet preformed?

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Why is ballet preformed?

Ballet is classic! Its a beautiful dance that is timeless, ballet is a type of dance that has basic proper moves but those moves can be used in a more modern way. Ballet styles change with the period.

Why is ballet preformed today?

Ballet is classic! Its a beautiful dance that is timeless, ballet is a type of dance that has basic proper moves but those moves can be used in a more modern way. Ballet styles change with the period.

What is a warm up in ballet?

A warm up in ballet is usually preformed at a barre. At the barre you do technique and turn out stuff so when you get off the barre you are ready to go for the center. If you do not do warm ups and go to the center you wont have the balance or knowledge to do all of the activies preformed.

When did the ballet company 'Bolsheviks' last perform in Russia?

Bolsheviks is a very famous ballet company that was founded in the year 1953 and has preformed all over Russia and in many other countries around the world. The most recent Russian city that they preformed in is Saint Petersburg.

Why is ballet performed indoors?

it has been performed outside before. its just usually preformed indoors because of the stange and such

When was Othello first performed?

it was first preformed by the kings men in 1604, but am not sure who it was preformed to.