it will take 27,000 years for them to learn ballet b ecause they probably suck
Precursors invented ballet.
The Nutcracker Ballet
The name of the girl is Clara, if that is what you're asking. The ballet is called Clara and the Nutcracker.
The red Shoes was a morbid film about Ballet/ known to me only from TV guide and similar reviews.
The cast of Those Athletic Girls - 1918 includes: Josephine Banks as Boarding School Girl Lillian Biron as Boarding School Girl Gonda Durand as Girl in Audience Louise Fazenda as The Janitress Elinor Field as Boarding School Girl Phyllis Haver as A Student Ring Leader Laura La Varnie as The Head of the School Alice Maison as Boarding School Girl Roxana McGowan as Boarding School Girl Virginia Nightingale as Boarding School Girl Marie Prevost as Boading School Girl Marvel Rea as A Student Ring Leader Vera Steadman as A Student Ring Leader Slim Summerville as The Watchman Pepper the Cat as Pepper the Cat Teddy the Dog as Teddy the Dog Edith Valk as Boarding School Girl
It is a young adult drama, concerning lessons learned by an adolescent girl at a boarding school.
Girl Boarding School
Marquise Maintenon Note: the French Revolution, which this question is categorized under, began about 90 years after the school was founded.
You dont need much muscle for ballet
Wild Child
wild child
Some of the boarding school areas that you might consider are New York City where all girl boarding schools are more prominent and highly regarded. There are also all girl boarding schools such as the Diamond Ranch Academy, in Utah, or the Annie Wright School, in Tacoma, WA. It all depends on the location you are looking at to choose a good school for your daughter, though.
There are a number of expensive boy's, girl's and mixed boarding schools in New Zealand. The most expensive boarding schools are Independent or Private Schools. Some state schools do offer boarding, in this case fees would be charged for boarding whilst the tuition is state funded. To give an indication for boys only, girls only and mixed in New Zealand Dollars per annum: King's College in Auckland is an independent day and boarding school which accepts girls in years 12 and 13. Their combined boarding and tuition fees start at $31,628pa for years 9 to 11 and increase to $32,160pa for years 12 and 13. Christ's College, Canterbury in Christchurch is an Independent day and boarding school for boys and combined fees for boarding and tuition in 2009 are $27,417pa. St Cuthbert's College in Auckland is and Independent day and boarding school for girls, their current fees for tuition and boarding are $27,048pa for years 7 to 13. St Andrews College in Christchurh is an Independent day and boarding school for boys and girls. Boarding and tuition fees from year 9 to 13 are $25440. Based on fees King's is probably the most expensive school in the country at the moment for combined tuition and boarding. It may be important to note that most of these schools would also charge fees for acceptance, administration etc, and boarding may also incur extra fees for things such as laundry. Uniforms are also likely to cost upwards of $1000
No, boys can get accepted too... You should check the website though.
She was sent to an all girl's boarding school, because she was too "boy-crazy!" :)
wild child