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Anyone can do or enjoy Ballet, not just rich people.

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Q: Is ballet just for rich people?
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Related questions

Where was the first ballet showed?

The first ballet was just men dancing around for the King or Lord on his own private stage while all the rich people watched in the 1600's.

What type of people do ballet?

Ballet dancers.And no, not just rich spoiled Anglo-Saxon Barbie dolls and flamboyantly gay men!People who want to be athletes and are willing to take on this, the hardest of all sports. Those that want athleticism, strength, speed, grace, attitude, posture, flexibility and musical rhythm all at once. Real men do it. Most of them are just looking to meet girls...

Is ballet considered as a famous sport?

Ballet is mostly considered as an art form. Which makes quite sense because people most likely go to ballets to see a show, not just people trying to win. Ballet is not about winning.

Why was ballet danced?

ballet originated in France, in the court of King Louis 14. This form of ballet was not wat we know today. It was mostly jsut little steps. But, to answer your question, ballet was danced for entertainment, and also because some people just love to dance. i am one of those people.

How do ballet people?

anyone who likes to do Ballet

How ballet started?

Ballet started many, many, years ago, only for the very rich and royalty in France. Then many countries richest people started as well. Eventually everyone was allowed and that's why it is so popular now.

How popularity is ballet?

AnswerReally popular actually in my ballet class there's about 20 people I have loads of people in my ballet class. And there are even more in the little people class!!Ballet is an excellent sport that everone can enjoy, so if you want to try, just find a good, local school.

What did most rich Chinese people do for a living?

Just like what rich people do in other countries.

How many people do ballet?

anyone who likes to do ballet

How did ballet devolop?

Ballet was originally developed in Italy in the renaissance times. Many people seem to believe it was developed in France because they are the ones who made it famous, but it was Italy. The original ballet dancers were not like the skinny ones you see today. They were actually pretty overweight because back in the renaissance times, if you were overweight, you were rich because you could buy food, and ballet was only for the rich during those times so you almost never saw a skinny ballet dancer. But as time went on, new forms of ballet were developed and the goal went from "stuff yourself with food" to "become as light as a feather and as skinny as a toothpick". So ballet has come a long way, and that's how ballet developed.

How did Tchaikovsky raise ballet music to a new level?

Tchaikovsky raised ballet music to a new level with lyrical melodies and rich orchestration.

What is the romantic ballet?

Just classical ballet. Maybe a partnering dance